
Corporate Trainings

Corporate training or Workplace Learning is a system of activities with an objective to educate employees. It helps employers and employees both as it helps them obtain and grab knowledge and skills to progress professionally and personally. It quickens the process of achieving new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better and increase productivity. It enhances the attributes of an employee like personal skill set, job value towards career development benefiting both the organization and employees. Corporate training has helped in achieving job satisfaction and morale among employees and increased efficiencies in processes thus resulting in financial gain.

What’s a good training program?

Relevancy and Need

The experience and information you offer your employees must be relevant, timely and applicable to their daily job activities.


Anything you train your employees on must be aligned with your organizational goals.

Goal oriented

When structuring training programs, ensure they are goal oriented and the Key Performance Indicators chosen paint a holistic picture – time, cost, effectiveness, quality and quantity of the program.

Manager Input

Manager Involvement is important to increase employee engagement in learning.


Workplace learning is evolving to a place where adding fun, bite-sized and relevant activities to training is becoming increasingly popular to increase employee engagement.

Post training

Organizations spend thousands of dollars each year on employee training with little knowledge of whether it’s “working”.

Objectives of training programs

Career and Personal Development

Arguably the most common objective of training programs is to help employees in their current roles and prepare for future ones. Topics range from being very specific to job positions to soft-skills like leadership.


New Employees or New Roles – Training programs to onboard new employees are often underestimated by companies. According to a recent survey, it was observed that 22% of companies do not have a formal onboarding program while a good 49% believed to have a ‘somewhat’ successful process.

Mandatory Training

Some companies have company-wide training programs from time to time, designed to educate their entire workforce on specific topics.